The author of this motivation speech called "Be a generational Thinker" Daniella INGABIRE tells us the qualities of generational Thinkers,
what they have done to make the world a better place and call this generation to be generational thinkers also for future generations.
A generational thinker thinks beyond today;
They think about tomorrow and years after and they saw seeds for generations.
A generational thinker meets the needs of the present without ignoring the needs of the future
Generations, I remember there was a time in this country ;
when women had no access to education and some people stood up and fought for it;
I call them generational thinkers;
Because of them, today I am an educated woman and many others who are positively influencing, empowering and contributing to the development of this country.
Being a generational thinker, this is when you plant a tree not only because you like it and not because you expect fruits or fresh air from it
But because you are conscient that planting trees is one of the solutions to reduce or limit greenhouse gases emissions (GHG’s).
You don’t make history by safety, You cannot fight against climate change by only negotiating;
Don’t tell me to stay out of nothing;
This is my country and the effects of climate change caused by the dramatic and uncontrolled increase in the greenhouse affects me, my children and the future generation.
Those effects can erode the very foundations of our economy, livelihood, food security, health and quality of life.
So be a generational thinker, stop eternal negotiations, impose actions.
Stop criticizing, get involved and initiate change.
The most matured act on Earth is when a human doesn’t wait for change, they create it.
Written by Daniella INGABIRE